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发布人:杭州万龙展览    发布时间:2019-09-08 05:51:28


3、壁龛的英文为"Niche",也就是"利基"。 菲利普·科特勒在《营销管理》中给利基下的定义为:利基是更窄地确定某些群体,这是一个小市场并且它的需要没有被服务好,或者说 " 有获取利益的基础 " 。 在营销学里的"利基市场"也称之为"长尾市场

The niche is a very new home decoration term. In modern home decoration, it is a design concept that combines hard decoration and soft decoration. The space left on the wall is used as a storage facility.
1, the niches were first built on religious buildings. Basically, they were chiseled into and out of a space on buildings. For example, Buddha statues were discharged from Buddhist niches. The niches of churches can be placed according to the size of the area, or they can be inlaid with frames or even made into inner Windows. However, the "niche" of Islam is one of the facilities of the mosque worship hall. The Arabic language reads "Miharab" and is located in the small arch in the middle of the back wall of the temple of worship, facing Kerbai in Mecca, the holy place of Islam. To indicate the positive direction of Muslim worship. The main body of the Afghan national emblem consists of a white mosque niche and a pulpit, with two flags on both sides.
The niche, in modern home decoration, is a design concept that combines hard decoration and soft decoration: the space left on the wall is used as a storage facility. Its depth is structurally limited and it is usually picked from the wall about 0.1 to 0.2 meters. The niche can be used as a cupboard, shelf, etc.. It does not occupy the building area and is more convenient to use. The location of the niche must consider the convenience of furniture layout and use, and at the same time pay special attention to the safety of the wall structure.
3, the niche in English is "Niche", which is "niche." Feilipu·ketele defines niche in "marketing management" as: niche is a narrower identification of certain groups, this is a small market and its needs are not well served, or "have a basis for gain." In marketing, the "niche market" is also called the "long-tailed market."