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发布人:杭州万龙展览    发布时间:2019-04-01 13:39:40
定制博物馆展柜的概念在人们的思想里也越来越深,其实不是的有的定制的博物馆展柜放在店面之后才会感觉到有的地方不是很合适 和自己以前想要得结果优一点差距。为什么会这样了 ,明明是按照店面的施工图做的 尺寸这些都是没有问题的。其实在安装博物馆展柜的时候也是需要十分小心如果有一点没做好就可能会导致你的不满。那么在安装博物馆展柜的时候我们要注意那些事了下面我就为大家介绍一下:   安装时要轻拿轻放 不要把博物馆展柜的油漆或者菱角碰坏了 跟不要把地板砸坏了这样就会得不偿失。要选好安装位置不要随意的放要能做到对自己最有用的地方最合适的地方。还要注意的就是你的线路和电路的合理化 不要弄得跟蜘蛛网一样。   安装后还要注意那些问题:检测整体是否与设计方案相符,内部格局是否与平面方案吻合,是否有表面磕伤,划伤。要注意博物馆展柜的结构是否牢固,榫眼交接处是否严密 英文 The concept of custom museum display cabinets is also getting deeper and deeper in people's minds. In fact, some custom museum exhibition cabinets are placed in the store before they feel that some places are not suitable for the better results they had previously wanted. Why is this happening? It's the size of the shop floor. There's no problem. In fact, you should be very careful when installing the museum display cabinets. If you don't do it well, it may lead to dissatisfaction. So while we're installing the museum cabinet, we need to take care of those things. Do not damage the paint or water chestnut of the museum cabinet and do not break the floor. Select the location of the installation not randomly placed to be able to do their most useful places in the most appropriate place. Also be careful to rationalize your circuits and circuits so they don't look like cobwebs. After installation, also pay attention to those issues: check whether the whole is consistent with the design plan, whether the internal pattern is consistent with the plane plan, whether there is a surface injury, scratch. Pay attention to whether the structure of the museum display cabinets is firm, and whether the junction of mortise is tight